A free and open source molecular editor and visualization tool.

Designed for students and advanced researchers alike.
Used in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, chemistry education, bioinformatics, materials science, and more.
Molecules, crystals, biomolecules, surfaces – Avogadro loves them all.

A sleek interface and user-friendly tools makes working in Avogadro easy, whether you are playing with molecules in 3D for the first time, quickly sketching structures for calculation input, or preparing graphics for publication.

With a new, modern 3D renderer, visual effects like reflections and ambient occlusion, and a variety of display options, your molecules look good in Avogadro.
A picture paints a thousand words, but a movie tells a story – make an animation to bring your chemistry to life.

Thanks to the rewritten core and lightning-quick multithreaded renderer, Avogadro 2 handles systems of thousands of atoms effortlessly.
Built-in force fields tidy up hand-drawn molecules in seconds.

Read your geometry files, wherever they are from – Avogadro understands a huge number of file formats, and can write to hundreds.
Explore the results of calculations with native output parsing for popular quantum chemistry programs including GAMESS, Gaussian, Molden, MOPAC, NWChem, and ORCA.

Plugins add diverse functionality – interactive tools, commands, interfaces to other programs, additional force fields and file formats, and more.
Writing your own plugin in Python is straightforward. And if it’s useful, why not share it with the community?

Avogadro is free, and all source code and documentation is available under the permissive BSD 3-clause license.
Got an issue? The Avogadro community is friendly and ready to help.
Got an idea? Development is public and contributions are welcomed.

Translations available for Simplified Chinese, English, Esperanto, French, Georgian, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, and Turkish, with more languages being added all the time.

Whether you use Windows, Linux, or macOS to get your work done, Avogadro is available and supported.
On ARM? Apple Silicon is already supported, with Windows on ARM a future target.
The Qt base means Avogadro looks native and fits right in on your desktop.

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