Avogadro is an open community, made better by all of us.
If you’re an Avogadro user who wants to give back, a great place to start is supporting your fellow users on the Avogadro Forum. Questions of all levels are posted, and you may find that there are some for which your experience is very valuable!
If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please take a moment to submit a description to the GitHub Tracker, which helps as an open database of issues and suggestions as the code is developed. While there are several different GitHub repositories for the project, we will move issues around if they better fit a particular component.
For development of Avogadro itself, the Avogadro Forum has sections for discussing ideas, planned directions, work in progress, etc. This includes both the C++ libraries and Python scripts and utilities.
How to Help#
Tell your friends
Help on the Avogadro Forum
Cite Avogadro in papers
Write or edit tutorials and documentation for this site
Write up lessons or activities for chemistry teachers
Send us some example files and fragments
Report bugs you encounter through the GitHub Tracker
Make suggestions about new features or improvements in Avogadro through the GitHub Tracker
Help translate Avogadro into your language.
Donate financially to pay for server hosting, user meetings, and bug bounties.