Avogadro Remote Procedure Call (RPC)#

Avogadro 2 supports communication between programs using the RPC protocol and standard JSON messages (i.e., JSON-RPC 2.0). Programs like MoleQueue and XtalOpt set up socket connections to the “avogadro” server and then can send messages to Avogadro (e.g., to open files or load molecular data for visualization).

RPC Protocol#

As part of JSON-RPC the basic syntax is like so:

  "jsonrpc" : "2.0" },
  "id" : *idNum*

where idNum is some unique id number (e.g. 32768) for that particular request. Currently, Avogadro’s RPC implementation supports two additional keys, “method” and “params”.


Current options for “method”:

  • “openFile” - tells Avogadro2 to open a file from a path on disk

  • “loadMolecule” - send molecule data using any supported Avogadro2 format as a new molecule

If the method is “openFile”, then “params” needs to be set like this:

 "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
 "id" : *idNum*,
 "method" : "openFile",
 "params" :
      { "fileName" : "rutile.POSCAR" }

Note that the file format is inferred from the extension (e.g, POSCAR here).

If the method is “loadMolecule”, then “params” needs to be set like this:

  "jsonrpc" : "2.0",
  "id" : idNum,
  "method" : "loadMolecule",
  "params" :
      { "format" : "POSCAR" },
      { "content" : "TiO2 rutile\n1.00000000\n2.95812000   0.00000000   0.00000000\n0.00000000   4.59373000   0.00000000\n0.00000000   0.00000000   4.59373000\nO   Ti\n4   2\nDirect\n0.00000000  0.30530000  0.30530000\n0.00000000  0.69470000  0.69470000\n0.50000000  0.19470000  0.80530000\n0.50000000  0.80530000  0.19470000\n0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000\n0.50000000  0.50000000  0.50000000" }

Note that in this case, the format can be set explicitly, and the content is passed as a string, rather than a file on-disk.