There are a wide variety of plugins in separate directories, providing tools, render types, and commands. Some may provide more than one of these for full functionality (e.g., symmetry perception includes both a command and a render type).
What follows is a list of core plugins and brief descriptions. A few plugins are listed in multiple places:
aligntool - align molecule to a frame of reference
bondcentrictool - bond centric manipulation (length, angle, dihedral)
editor - freehand drawing of atoms and bonds
label - edit atom labels (also a render type)
manipulator - move and rotate atoms and selections
measuretool - measure bond lengths, angles, and dihedrals
navigator - move the camera view
playertool - play animations / trajectories
selectiontool - select atoms individually or in a rectangle
templatetool - insert ligands, functional groups, and metal geometries
Render Types#
ballandstick - the default ball-and-stick render type
cartoons - protein backbone and cartoon renderings
closecontacts - close contacts between atoms
dipole - dipole moment
force - forces on atoms (from vibrations or molecular dynamics)
label - atom and other labels - also a tool
licorice - stick or licorice rendering
noncovalent - hydrogen, chalcogen bonds and other non-covalent interactions
meshes - surfaces, orbitals, etc.
overlayaxes - reference axes
qtaim - QTAIM rendering (critical points, etc.), also a command
symmetry - rendering of symmetry elements, also a command
vanderwaals - van der Waals spheres
wireframe - wireframe line rendering
Main Commands#
applycolors - Apply colors to atoms (e.g., by partial charge, etc.)
bonding - Assign bonds and bond orders, break bonds
coordinateeditor - Edit, copy and paste atoms and 3D coordinates
copypaste - Cut, copy and paste commands
crystal - Commands for handling basic crystal structure properties
focus - Focus and unfocus the view on a selection
forcefield - Optimize and run force field calculations, including via scripts
hydrogens - Add, remove, and adjust hydrogen atoms
insertdna - Insert DNA fragments
insertfragment - Insert molecules
lineformatinput - Insert from SMILES or InChI line formats
molecularproperties - Molecular property dialogs
openbabel - Open Babel commands, including file formats, force fields, charges, etc.
propertytables - Atom, bond, angle, and torsion property spreadsheets
select - Selection commands
spacegroup - Handle filling and standardizing the unit cell based on space groups
surfaces - Generate molecular surfaces and orbitals
symmetry - Perceive molecular symmetry and symmetrize coordinates
vibrations - Animate vibrations
Script Commands#
commandscripts - Add menu commands from Python scripts
configurepython - Configure the Python environment to use for scripts
forcefield - Optimize and run force field calculations, including via scripts
plugindownloader - Download and install Python scripts
quantuminput - Use Python scripts for many quantum chemical input generators (e.g., Orca, Gaussian, Q-Chem, etc.)
scriptcharges - Assign atomic partial charges using Python scripts (e.g., from
)scriptfileformats - Import various file formats using Python scripts
Input Generator Commands#
apbs - Input for the APBS program
cp2kinput - Input for CP2K
gamessinput - Input for GAMESS-US
lammpsinput - Input for LAMMPS
openmminput - Input for OpenMM simulations
quantuminput - Use Python scripts for many quantum chemical input generators (e.g., Orca, Gaussian, Q-Chem, etc.)
Import Commands#
fetchpdb - Fetch molecules from the Protein Data Bank (PDB)
importpqr - Import molecules from the Pitt Quantum Repository
networkdatabases - Fetch molecules by name from the NIH Chemical Resolver
Export Commands#
3dmol - Export the current view for 3dmol.js rendering in a webpage
ply - Export a 3D PLY format file of the current view
povray - Export a POV-Ray scene of the current view
svg - Export a SVG render of the current image
vrml - Export a VRML / WRL file of the current view
Plotting Commands#
spectra - plot vibrational (IR, Raman), electronic (UV), NMR and other computed spectra
plotpdf - plot the probability distribution function (PDF)
plotrmsd - plot RMSD across multiple coordinate sets (e.g., in an MD trajectory)
plotxrd - plot simulated x-ray diffraction patterns from a crystal structure