File Formats#

Avogadro allows scripts to translate between formats which Avogadro already handles and new formats (e.g., to use packages like cclib).

The script must handle the following command line arguments:

  • --metadata Print metadata describing the format and the script’s abilities and exit.

  • --read Read data from standard input and produce a standard representation on standard output.

  • --write Read a standard representation from standard input and write the formatted result to standard output.

Format scripts do not need to handle both --read and --write options. For example a format could be intended to only read in a new format by converting to cjson.

Identify the Format with --metadata#

Running the script with the --metadata option should print a JSON object of the following form:

  "inputFormat": "cml",
  "outputFormat": "cml",
  "operations": ["read", "write"],
  "identifier": "Unique Name",
  "name": "User-friendly Name",
  "description": "Description of format.",
  "specificationUrl": "http://url.specifying.format/if/any/exist",
  "fileExtensions": ["ext"],
  "mimeTypes": ["chemical/x-ext"]


  • inputFormat indicates the format that the script can convert to the implemented format by the --write command. Allowed values are "cml", "cjson", or "xyz". See the --write documentation for more detail.

  • outputFormat indicates the format that the script can convert to from the implemented format by the --read command. Allowed values are "cml", "cjson", or "xyz". See the --read documentation for more detail.

  • operations specifies the scripts capabilities. The array should contain "read" if the script implements the --read option, and/or "write" if --write is available.

  • identifier is a unique identifier. The value must only be unique amongst script formats, as it will be prefixed with “User Script: “ internally by Avogadro.

  • name is a user-friendly name for the format.

  • description is a description of the format, along with any relevant help text for users.

  • specificationUrl is the URL of the format specification if available (or relevant web page/wiki otherwise).

  • fileExtensions is an array specifying the file extensions that this format supports.

  • mimeTypes is an array specifying the mime types that this format supports.

Required members are:
  • operations

  • inputFormat (if "write" is specified in operations)

  • outputFormat (if "read" is specified in operations)

  • identifier

  • name

Optional members are:
  • description

  • specificationUrl

  • fileExtensions

  • mimeTypes

Reading a format with --read#

If "read" is specified in the operations --metadata output along with a valid outputFormat, Avogadro will call the script with --read and write the implemented format to the script’s standard input. The script shall convert the input to outputFormat and print it to standard output.

Writing a format with --write#

If "write" is specified in the operations --metadata output along with a valid inputFormat, Avogadro will call the script with --write and write the inputFormat to the script’s standard input. The script shall convert the input to the implemented format and print it to standard output.