Edit Menu#
The edit menu administers basic file revisions.
“Undo” will negate the last change to the document.
“Redo” will recover the last change to the document.
“Cut” will remove and copy a selection.
“Copy” will create a duplicate of the entire molecule or a selection, and place it on a clipboard.
Copy As#
“Copy As” provides text representations of the molecules present in the viewing screen. For example, selecting “Copy As” and “SMILES”, renders “C(=O)(C)C.O.O” as the output for the viewing screen below. This selection can then be pasted in a text document for external projects.
“Paste” recalls the last data copied onto the clipboard.
“Clear” removes all chemical structures from the viewing window.
Select All#
“Select All” highlights everything in the screen (this feature can also be found under the “Select” menu).
Select None#
“Select None” will dismiss everything in the display (this feature is also found under the “Select” menu).