Finding Conformers of Molecules#

How to search for low-energy conformations

Start with your molecule of interest#

Optimize the geometry#

Before finding a low-energy conformer, we should make sure the current geometry is at least a near-optimal geometry. Perform an “Optimize Geometry” for a quick clean-up.

Now we will want to change the force field and/or the number of optimization steps.

Change the force field options#

You may want to change the force field used. MMFF94 is a good default for organic-like molecules. If the molecule contains metals or is otherwise unusual, UFF is a better choice. Next, change the number of geometry optimization steps — for each conformer tested, it will be optimized. Switch to a small number like 20 or 50 for a quick clean-up to prevent “clashing” atoms when bonds are rotated.

Set the conformer search options#