class BufferObject#
Buffer object to store geometry/attribute data on the GPU.
This class creates GPU buffer object, and uploads the data to the GPU.
- Author
Marcus D. Hanwell
Public Functions
BufferObject(ObjectType type = ArrayBuffer)#
ObjectType type() const#
Get the type of the buffer object.
Index handle() const#
Get the handle of the buffer object.
inline bool ready() const#
Determine if the buffer object is ready to be used.
template<class ContainerT>
inline bool upload(const ContainerT &array, ObjectType type)# Upload data to the buffer object. The BufferObject::type() must match type or be uninitialized.
The ContainerT type must have tightly packed values of ContainerT::value_type accessible by reference via ContainerT::operator[]. Additionally, the standard size() and empty() methods must be implemented. The std::vector and Avogadro::Core::Array classes are examples of such supported containers.
bool bind()#
Bind the buffer object ready for rendering.
Only one ARRAY_BUFFER and one ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER may be bound at any time.
bool release()#
Release the buffer. This should be done after rendering is complete.
inline std::string error() const#
Return a string describing errors.